Family is an important pillar
in human life. Without a family, mankind can not continue. The family plays an
important role in the formation of human character. So there are various types
of components and procedures for family formation. Sometimes problems arise in
the field of family management. By solving that problem, a happy family is
developed. If family management does not follow the right rules, problems arise
due to various reasons. The problem was discussed.
1. Do not
follow the religious rules:
In the family management,
religious rules and regulations are very important. The main problem in
observing the religious rule is not knowing the right religion and knowingly,
but neglected. In America and other countries of Europe, people are living in
an irregular way. They do not follow the right religion of human welfare. As a
result, after the formation of family, the wife and children do not follow the
head of the family. Because the family head does not know how to control the
family members through the proper guide line. Religion is the ordinance of
Allah. Allah has created mankind. And in the welfare of humankind, what is the
rule, all mentioned in the scriptures. Modern world America and several
European countries, most people ignore religion, resulting in happiness and
peace of the family, and within a short period the family collapses. But what
is causing so many problems. It does not analyze the issue. Another family is
busy building a family. Or move away from the idea of family formation.
A. Knowledge, understanding
and conducting life in Islam.
B. Follow the Prophet's life.
C. Religious education and
practice of family members. Help to build religious life.
Establishing love and respect for family:
Family problems can be solved
through love. Love is such an ingredient, great work becomes easier. Therefore,
it is necessary to exchange love for each member in order to make the family
happy. If any member of the family is violent, then he will be able to solve
the correct information accordingly. Giving correct ideas about the rules of
evil people. To increase respect for family members. If your child makes a
mistake, do not disclose it to another person. Parents' respect decreases when
children show signs of depression. Do not pressurize the child for excessive
study and practice his good work.
Increasing honest character:
Good character needs to be
formed in the family. If the family possesses the noble character, positive
thinking is created for family members and motivates to form honest character.
Family members are protected by a virtuous person and can be protected from
various dangers in the society.
If the family is the main
character, then the family members follow him. Which is harmful to family and
2. Family
Monitor the security of the
members to solve family problems. There is a lot of problems with your child
growing up report about. Do not let the
child live the life according to his wishes. As a result, there is a
possibility of harm to the child. To inform the child about the dangers of
society and the law and order in the country. Let us know about the good evil
deeds of the people. Giving correct ideas about the rules of evil people. To
inform about the bad places in the society.
4. Honest
The family peace comes
through honest uplift. Family members are protected from various dangers. But
if he is abused or harassed by someone, he has negatively influenced family
members by means of money. For example: various types of diseases, unintended events
are created.
5. Increase
good relations between husband and wife:
Allah has written many of the
Qur'an to increase the good relations between husband and wife. Following the
Qur'an, the relationship between husband and wife in the family will be beautiful
and love will increase. The most beautiful husband and wife in the world.
Husband should honor his wife. The wife should respect her husband. Wife is not
like a tissue paper. After finishing needs to be thrown. It's a permanent honey
relationship. There will be many different problems while staying together in
the family. But the problem is not correct solution, breaking the family for a
little reason, it is a wrong decision. Any problem or decision should be
resolved by negotiating both husband and wife in fact. This will strengthen the
relationship. If the wife is senior, the same age and junior, then the person
should behave like a person, the Prophet taught through his biography.
There is no better way to
solve the family problem than the Qur'an and the life of the Prophet. The
Qur'an is the solution of humanity. All the solutions are through the Qur'an.
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