There is no greater offense than Shirk
in the land of Allah Ta'ala. But at the time of Dugapuja time, different
political leaders have said in their interest. Religion whose festivities are all
about. How big is the sin? And this topic is discussed in various social media.
The surprise is that Islamic thinkers will give an opinion on this issue.
However, in whom there is no knowledge about Religion, they discuss the discussion
of Religion misinterpretation. If that were so, they would not come if Hindus
were invited to Edul Azha. Because Hindus are the mother of the cow. They
invite them to eat meat in Edul Azha. The opposite work is done in the
religion. It is understood that for the purpose of destroying the faith of the
Muslims, it is important to spread the lies, in many important places. So
Muslims have to be careful. These wrong information can not be heard. And you
must keep your faith right. Allah does not forgive the sin of polytheism. Durga
Puja is the biggest cause of this shirk. Therefore, Muslims should not go
anywhere in the Durga Puja of Hindus.
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