Please take some time to think deeply.
What is my existence if not created? Why have I been
created and what is the reason behind it? Why did I come to
earth? Why can not I do everything? Who created me?The above questions are related
to the lives of every person. But do not get the right answer. Or do not worry.
But the right thing should be known, to make it happy in the next life. Best
life plan quote for refer all kind of problems will be easily solved.
What is my existence if not created? Why have I been
created and what is the reason behind it? Why did I come to
earth? Why can not I do everything? Who created me?The above questions are related
to the lives of every person. But do not get the right answer. Or do not worry.
But the right thing should be known, to make it happy in the next life. Best
life plan quote for refer all kind of problems will be easily solved.
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