A) The only suitable
person to worship is considered worthy of anyone other than Allah and not
accepting it. But Allah says,
"Do not set up another god beside Allah." Then, condemned and will be
thrown into hell (exiled from Allah's favor) "(Bani Israel 39).
Allah also said,
"Do not set up another god with God." Then you will become disgraced
and helpless' (Ba'ani Israel 22). He said,'whoever calls upon
another god with Allah, there is no certificate to him, to his reckoning is
with his Lord. Indeed, the unbelievers will not succeed '(Moinunoon 117).
Allah warns the
Prophets about this, (O Prophet!) Do not call on another god
with Allah.
Then you will be subjected to punishment (Shu'ara 213). In the
above verse, the Prophet (sm)
has been threatened with hell. There is no possibility of the Prophets going to
hell. Therefore, from this verse it is understood that those who call on Pir,
Ali-Awlia or any graveyard, worship them, they will believe and will be in
hell. Because that work is clear Shirk. This type of shirk will make the
believer faithless.
(B) Asking for the
dead person to ask for something or to save him from the evil, Akbar and the
big shirk If a believer does this, his faith will be destroyed. Because Allah
alone is the owner of not giving good and evil, He said,'(O Prophet!) Say what
you worship besides Allah object
that has the power to do you any harm or benefit. But Allah is All-Hearing and
Knowing '(Maidah 76). There is evidence in the Qur'an that the Prophet (sm)
of Allah could
not hurt himself. How can we hope to benefit from others? Allah says, (O
Prophet!) Say, "I am not the owner of my own good and miserable power, but
Allah wills whatsoever He wants" (A'raaf 188). So,
save your iman (Faith).
Allah said, (O
Prophet!) Tell me, what have you chosen guardians other than Allah, who is
owner of good and evil "(Raad 16). Elsewhere, he said, 'if
Allah touch you with affliction, none can remove it except He. On the other
hand, if he blesses you, he is capable of everything. He is the Exalted in His
Servant "(An'am 17-18).
Allah Say:
Have you considered that if Allah intends
to harm me, then you are Allah Can
those who call apart, remove the evil? Or can he show mercy to me if he wishes
to show mercy to me? Say: Allah is sufficient for me. Dependent upon Him, those
who believe (in truth) depend on Him '(Zuma 38). They can not do
good to themselves or do bad things. And they are not the owners of life, death
and resurrection too (Furqan 3). He said, "You can not
recite the dead to the dead, nor the deaf, when they go back after leaving the
place" (Naml 27). Allah says,
"Those whom you call upon besides Him, they do not possess even the
slightest date of the date of the date of the date,"If you call them, they
do not listen to your call. Even if you hear it, do not respond to your call.
They will deny you shirk on the Day of Resurrection. In fact, no one can inform
you like Allah "(Faith 13-14). So, save your iman (Faith).
(C) It is also a great
sin to ask the deceased person for help or to make a person a person, he also
thinks that he is dis fellowship from Islam.
Whoever invokes and creates some medium between Allah and His servant, and seeks Shafa'at for them, he will become apostate. Because the only owner of Shafa'at is Allah. "Say: All the Prophets are the angels of Allah, the heavens and the earth are His kingship" (Zaman 44).
A group of people worship other than Allah and accept them as Suffer. But there is no power to favor them. Allah said, "They worship except that apart from Allah, that which can not harm them, nor benefit them," and said, "O Allah! And they say, "These are our suppliers with Allah." You say, do you inform God about what he does not know about between the heavens and the earth? "(Jonah 18). So, save your iman (Faith).Unbelief in reliance on others except Allah. As such, no work is done on the basis of any pir, ali-awliya, a living or dead person, or a special person. If someone says guru, khwaja trust, fatima helper, messenger etc. then shirk will be there. Trust is only on Allah, otherwise faith will be lost. Because Allah has mentioned the Qur'anic verses in relation to him as a special attribute of the believers. Allah said, و'If you are believers, then rely on Allah' (Ma'idah 23). He said, "If you believe in God and if you are a Muslim, then put your trust in Allah" (Yunus 84). Allah Almighty has taught the Prophet (sm): (Say, "O Prophet!) Allah is enough for me. The dependents rely on Him '(Zuma 38).
3. If a Muslim does not think of the polytheists as infidels or doubts their unbelief or their beliefs are right.
If a Muslim does not think of the polytheists as infidels or doubts their unbelief or their beliefs are right. Allah said, 'Surely the polytheists are impure' (Repentance 28). How can their doctrine be acceptable after the polytheistic community becomes impure? He further said, 'Allah and His Messenger (sm) are free from the polytheists' (Pant 3). That is, Allah has no responsibility for the polytheists. Allah said, "Those who disbelieve among the People of the Book, and who shirk, they are the everlasting abode of hell, and these are the worst creatures in creation" (Baiyinah 6). That is why Allah has declared them unlawful till they are married. Allah said,
'Do not marry idol worshipers until they believe. Of course, Muslim slaves are better than mushrik women, although they like it to you. Do not marry a polytheist man until he believes. A Muslim slave is much better than a polytheist, even though you would love to see them. They call to Hell (Baqarah 221). So, save your iman (Faith).
4. If a Muslim fulfills any other way other than the way shown by the Prophet (sm), or any other person, except the Islamic injunction or provision, makes a good command, then he will be rejected from Islam.
If a Muslim fulfills any other way other than the way shown by the Prophet (sm), or any other person, except the Islamic injunctions or provisions, it would be disowned by Islam. That is, the person who believes that the laws made by man are better than the Islamic Shariah, or the equality of Islam, the judicial process is permissible by human beings, the Islamic injunctions do not apply for the twentieth century, Islam is the reason behind the Muslims, the relation behind Islam There is no relation between the world and the unanimity of the affairs of the Umayyim. Because it is an attempt to make lawful to lawful and unlawful lawless. [14] Allah said, "They (Jews and Christians) have taken their scholars and their family members as theirs to be worshiped by Allah" (p 31).So, save your iman (Faith).
It is not accepted by the Jews and Christian scholars and religious leaders as the lord (Lord), but they are obedient to the priest class at all times. Although they have made lawful to Allah the lawful and unlawful unlawful. Such loyalty is the name of making them Lord. And this is an open disbelief. [15]
5. If a Muslim dislikes a part of the law of the Prophet (sm) of Allah, then he will be rejected from Islam, though he acts in that matter.
If a Muslim dislikes part of the law of the Prophet (sm) of Allah, then he will be rejected from Islam, even if he acts in that matter. Allah says about this: And those who disbelieve, theirs is a misery, and He will destroy their deeds. That is because they do not like what God has sent down. Therefore, their deeds will fail Allah (Muhammad 8-9). According to this verse, it is understood that one of the reasons for canceling the works is to dislike the revelations of Allah. Though doing this work, due to dislike, Islam will be dismissed. Allah said, "They were already looking for opportunities to create divisions, and your deeds were flipping back." In the end, the true promise came and conquered the commandments of Allah, in which they despised (repentance 48).So, save your iman (Faith).
6. If a Muslim jokes about religion or religious rituals or religion in the religion of Muhammad (sm), he will also become infidel.
If a Muslim jokes about Muhammad (sm) on any matter of religion or religious revelations or punishments, he will also become a disbeliever. Allah said, "Say:" Have you been taunting Allah with His commandments and His messenger? " Do not deceive, after believing you have become infidel (repentance 65-66). There is no hope of meeting with Allah, who scoff at Islam. Allah said,"Therefore, those who do not expect to meet me, I place them in their wickedness" (Yunus 11). Such people will have to leave and move with them, as long as they do not abandon that behavior. Allah said,
'And through the Qur'an, you have issued this injunction against you that when you hear the revelations and ridicule of God's revelations, you will not sit with them until they change the context. Otherwise, you too will be like them. Allah will gather the hypocrites and the unbelievers in the same place in hell '(Nisa 140). Allah proclaimed such people as foolish and forbade them to accept them as friends. he says,
O you who believe! Do not take those and those who disbelieve as friends for those who believe in your religion as ridicule and sport. Fear Allah, if you are believers. And when you call for salat, they regard it as a mockery and a play. Because they are stupid '(Ma'idah 57-58). As the sign of the hypocrites, Allah Rab-ul-Alamin mentions, "When they meet the believers, they say," We believe. " Again, when they meet with their devils alone, they say, 'we are with you, we (only) ridicule (with the Muslims)' (Baqarah 14). In the following verses, ridicule and ridicule have been compared to the people of hell, stupid and hypocrites, and walk with them, and the people too have been completely prohibited. So, save your iman (Faith).
7. If someone wishes to get rid of something good or to abandon something evil, or to make a secret, public, mantra-tantra or to relate relationship between husband or wife,If anyone wants to do secret, public, mantra-tantra or to interfere with somebody or wants to break the relationship or friendship, then it is completely Disbelief The person who does such things, and the person who is content with it, both of them disbelieved.
Narrated by Abu Huraira (R), the Prophet (sm) said,'Stay away from seven destructive things. The Sahabis asked, what are those destructive things? He said, (1) shirk with Allah (2) Magic (3) killing someone unjustly, which Allah has forbidden (4) eating suad (5) embezzlement of orphan (6) fleeing from the battlefield (7) ) To slander a true believer woman. [16]
Allah describes Ramabul Alamin as a disbeliever and Satanic doctrine. He said, "But the devils disbelieved, they taught the people magic" (Baqarah 102). At the end of this verse Allah says: They know well that anyone who adopts magic, there is no share in the Hereafter (Baqarah 102). So, save your iman (Faith).
Helping the Mushrikians against Muslims If a Muslim does such a thing, then he has disbelieved. Allah said, "And among you who joins them with their (disbelievers), they shall be of those." Allah does not guide the wrongdoers (Ma'ida 51). He also said
O you who believe! You do not take me and your enemies as friends. You have sent them a message of friendship, but they have denied the truth that has come to you. They expelled the Prophet and you from the sin that you believed in your Lord. If you are seeking my satisfaction and going out to fight in my way, why are you secretly sending them a message of friendship? I know what you hide and what you publish. Whoever does this among you, he goes astray from the right way "(Mumtahina 1). In the next verse, Allah said, "If you can conquer you, they will become enemies to you and extend their arm and your tongue to evil, and wish that you should become infidels anyway" (Mumtahina 2). From this verse it is understood that after getting the opportunity.
9. The person who thinks that life other than the Shari'ah of Muhammad (sm), but if Paradise is available or it is possible to get Allah's satisfaction, he will become infidel.
The person who thinks that life other than Muhammad (sm) shari'at, even if he is able to find Gnan or get Allah satisfaction, he will become a disbeliever. Allah says, "A person who does not accept any other religion other than Islam will not be accepted, and he will be among the victims of the Hereafter" (Al-Imran 85).So, save your iman (Faith). Allah Almighty said elsewhere: "Whoever opposes the Messenger, after the clear path has been revealed to him and goes against the way of all Muslims, I will give him Turning towards the direction in which he adopted and throw him into hell. And it is an inferior destination '(Nisa 115).
People leave the religion of Allah and seek other religion, but everything in the heavens and the earth is obeyed by the religion of Allah. Allah said, Do they seek another religion instead of the religion of Allah? Whatever is in the heavens and the earth, willingly and unwillingly, will be loyal to Him and will return to Him "(Al-Imran 83). According to this verse, it is understood that the material matter is obedient to the religion of God, and the human being is even more difficult. Because people believe in the religion of God, it has been promised in the world of the soul. If you violate it, you will be in the eternal hell.So, save your iman (Faith).
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